Types of Dark Toto (TOGEL)

Togel is a type of gambling game that has the abbreviation & meaning of its own name, namely toto and dark. Toto is the meaning of drawing numbers using a ball, while dark is an activity carried out in closed or illegal conditions. So the lottery is a game that is carried out by drawing balls in the form of numbers that are carried out secretly / illegally. However, nowadays, along with the times, the lottery can now be played openly and has an official license for gambling, gambling which is officially carried out in today’s online gambling.

Togel in previous times was played in a way that was very difficult to do, but along with the times and technology there were already online lottery gambling on various online gambling sites that online gambling lovers could easily and comfortably play. With this online gambling game and agen togel, there are not many people who use the old way of playing and switch to using the existing formulas from the lottery game to guess the numbers that come out during the draw.

The plug- in lottery is free to play by guessing one of the numbers drawn from the 4 drawn numbers, as the name implies, gamblers can freely install 4 numbers anywhere as long as the number that comes out is within the 4 drawn numbers For example, the number drawn is 3245 and the gambler places one of the 4 numbers.

The right plug -in lottery is played by guessing 1 number out of 4 numbers drawn correctly and precisely on the number that was guessed. For example, the number drawn is 3245, the gambler must guess the number 3 in the Ace place, 2 in the Kop place, 4 in the Heads place or 5 in the Tail.

The plug-in combination lottery is played by guessing the number drawn out big / small and even / odd. For example, the number drawn is 3245, the gambler must guess the number As is small odd, Kop is small even, Head is small even and Tail is large odd.

The basic plug-in lottery is played by guessing numbers by adding 2D numbers and the result of the sum of whether even / odd or big / small, the gambler must guess the number drawn, for example 3245, then 4 + 5 = 9 the result is odd and big.